Announcements test
30.06 The Danish Business Authority has made a decision
23.06 New raw materials agreement
20.06 Receipt of request for convening an extraordinary general meeting
18.06 Updated Articles of Association
17.06 Course of extraordinary general meeting
17.06 Announcement of increased offer from GW and public offer from NSIG
17.06 Public offer from National Silicon Industry Group (in Danish)
17.06 The Board's assessment of the offer from National Silicon Industry Group
16.06 Announcement about offer
16.06 Offer for Topsil's silicon business
15.06 Announcement of proxies
01.06 Major shareholder announcement (translation)
31.05 Interim report Q1 2016
25.05 Notice to convene an extraordinary general meeting on 17 June 2016
24.05 Major shareholder announcement (translation)
23.05 Warrant Programme - updated Articles of Association
Announcements 2015
Announcements 2014
Announcements 2013
Announcements 2012
Announcements 2011
Announcements 2010