Investor Relations
Electronic communication with shareholders
Cemat uses electronic communication with its shareholders. Electronic preliminary statements of accounts, annualreports, semi-annualreports, interim reports and notifications to the Stock Exchange are distributed via Nasdaq Copenhagen and will be released on this website immediately after being submitted to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
General meetings
All general meetings will be called electronically via the submission service of Nasdaq Copenhagen at no less than three weeks' and no more than five weeks' notice. If you wish to be called by e-mail, please inform us by use of the shareholder portal.
The agenda and the complete proposals to be considered at the general meeting, forms for appointing proxies, for voting by correspondence and for requesting admission cards as well as the annual report, including the auditors' report, and signed by the Management Board and the Board of Directors, will be available for the shareholders on the Company's website three weeks prior to the general meeting.
Advertisements in Statstidende
Under certain circumstances the company is legally obliged to insert an advertisement in the Danish publication Statstidende and notify the shareholders by letter. To meet this obligation Cemat holds a database with the shareholders' e-mail addresses as well as their postal addresses.
It is up to the individual shareholder to provide Cemat with an e-mail address for electronic documents, and updating this information.
Contribute your mail and address
If you wish to receive for stock exchange announcements, notices convening general meetings and annual reports, enter your details on use of the contacts page.
Shareholders may use the shareholder portal.
Systems requirements
With regard to software a mail programme (Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape Mail) and an internet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator) are required.
The electronic documents are available as PDF (read-only files), which can be opened, printed and filed in the receiving computer by means of the freeware Acrobat Reader.