Gender balance, management
Cemat's Board of Directors has approved the following policies and targets for increasing the number of the under represented gender in management, March 2013:
Targets for number of under represented gender, Board of Directors
In selecting new candidates for Cemat's Board of Directors, it is important that candidates have specific professional competencies and qualifications from listed companies and international experience. In addition, diversity in terms of nationality, religion, political conviction, age and gender is a priority in Cemat's CSR strategy (diversity policy).
Specifically in respect of gender, Cemat aims to retain and, if possible, increase the number of women on the Board of Directors in the next three years.
To be able to meet this goal, Cemat will ensure that during potential recruitment processes employees and external partners involved will be fully informed of the Company's diversity policy.
Targets for number of under represented gender, other levels of management
Cemat hires on the basis of talent and personality and offers the same possibilities to all employees, regardless of their background, religion, political conviction, gender or age. Cemat encourages that everybody reach their full potential in accordance with personal ambitions and goals.
In regard to women in managerial positions, Cemat currently is under represented in the Management Board, as well as management and mid-management. It is Cemat aim to increase the number of women in managerial positions by ensuring a number of qualified female candidates for future management positions. Hence, in hiring processes, Cemat will instruct its recruitment agencies to act accordingly.
Reporting on targets
Reporting on the above will take place starting 2013 in the annual report for 2013 and the annual UN Global Compact reporting.