CeMat A/S is a public limited company based in Denmark that focuses its activities in Poland.
The company launched its development activities with the construction of the Moje Bielany residential project in Warsaw. Located in Warsaw’s Bielany district (Poland), it will include 105 apartments together with ground-floor retail space. The total area of the apartments is 5,727 sqm and the retail space is 1,290 sqm. The design of the residential building includes an underground car park with 124 spaces. Under the contract signed with the general contractor, construction work on the residential project is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2025.
For more information, visit: https://mojebielany.com/investment-log/
The CeMat Group’s current portfolio includes a 15.9 ha site that comprises investment development sites and other plots in Warsaw’s Bielany district.
The subsidiaries of the CeMat Group own and manage a portfolio of over 32,000 sqm of leasable space, mainly comprising the small warehousing facilities, SBUs (small storage units for rent, www.cemat70.com.pl/en), self-storage space (www.cematbox.com) and offices. The CeMat Group currently has more than 240 tenants.
The company’s strategy covering the 2024-2027 period is to maximise its rental revenues, generate cash flow from its existing buildings as well as to prepare sites for development and to expand the development activities. The company is to focus on two areas: leasing and development.